Is your body threatened? Use your breathing.
Is your mind overwhelmed and scrambled? Use your breathing.
Is your spirit in danger? Use your breathing.
When you are in ANY kind of trouble, turn to your breathing ALWAYS and IMMEDIATELY.
Remember that mindful breathing bridges your mind, body and spirit and gives you clear access to each. It also brings all three into a sharp clear single focus so, almost instantly, you are as good as you can be at any particular moment.
Back when we were cave people, we would freeze-frame, in hopes that the tiger-of-the-very-long-teeth would not notice us standing there by the light of the silvery moon. That was then and this is now.
How then should we breathe now when we are scared witless? DON’T GET FANCY. Just keep your breathing moving, slow and deep and steady. Let your tension dissipate with each exhalation. Your body will be ready. Your mind will be focused and your spirit will give you guidance.
Be well. Breathe beautifully.