Friday, February 25, 2011

Point of Stillness

The pause at the end of each exhalation is a powerful, magical, valuable moment. Although the pause may last only a second or two, it provides a moment of beautiful quiet for your mind, your body and your spirit. You can take advantage of this special pause but resist any temptation to extend any pause beyond its natural length. To override this timing is like grabbing a soap bubble so it can’t float away.

Experiment by selecting in advance a positive word that you repeat silently to yourself during the pause. Or focus on a healing image. This is also an amazing time to simply listen and be open.

This brief moment brings you to your deepest self. That is why the temptation is so great to extend it. Although Point of Stillness is a delicate and simple exercise it is surprisingly effective.

Be well. Breathe beautifully.