Thursday, December 18, 2008

Asthma? Call in the Big Guns!

Are you absolutely certain that you have asthma? Are you absolutely certain that you do NOT have asthma? Who said so? Asthma is a reeeeeeeally confusing and complicated problem that can quietly gnaw away on your breathing equipment like dry rot in the attic. Coming up with a precise analysis and treatment plan without expert (I mean EXPERT) help is like spitting through a knothole from across a very wide road. . . you might get lucky but it’s a dangerous gamble!

If you frequently wheeze or squeak when you breathe, have a nagging little cough that won’t go away, are frequently short of breath, if you produce copious amounts of thick or sticky or discolored mucous . . . time to call in the big guns. Yes, I know you have a great primary care doc and you may think you are doing fine with your over-the-counter stuff but until you know exactly the extent of the problem and figure out the combination of factors that sets off an attack, you are losing lung tissue faster than necessary.

A pulmonary specialist is immersed in the latest diagnostic studies and publications, is in touch with other outstanding specialists in the field and is dealing with asthma and other respiratory problems every single day. A couple visits will probably do the job.

Be well. Breathe beautifully.

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