Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Accessing Emotions

Because your breathing is an essential part of your mind, your body and your spirit, it is no surprise that your emotions are mirrored in your breathing. A sad breath is different from an angry breath is different from a frightened breath is different from a weary breath. Very different.

Since your breathing threads through all aspects of your being, it is therefore possible to shape the way you are feeling by adjusting the way you are breathing.

If you need to dissipate your anger quickly or at least hide it, then stop breathing like an angry person. Notice that when you are depressed or tired or sad you may take small infrequent breaths in the center of the chest. Sometimes you will sigh because you are getting low on oxygen. You may hold your breath when you are frightened and breathe quickly and erratically when you are angry.

Good basic breathing that is low, slow, steady and wide will serve you well regardless of your emotional temperature at the moment. Breathing deeply and slowly will help center you in just a few breaths.

Be well. Breathe beautifully.

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