Friday, June 26, 2009

Shoulder Lift

We carry way too much stress in the small complicated muscles of the neck, jaw and shoulders. You might not notice this at first because tension creeps up on you so gradually that it begins to feel “normal.”

The Shoulder Lift is an easy relaxing exercise that can release much of that tension BEFORE you get smacked with a whopping tension headache.

As always, tend to your posture so your breathing doesn’t have to push against a “posture dam.”

1. As you inhale, float your LEFT shoulder smoothly upward as if it were riding on a well- oiled track toward the ceiling. Then let that left shoulder slide DOWN as you breathe out.
2. Inhale as you float your RIGHT shoulder upward. Exhale, sliding it down again.
3. A shoulder rises when you breathe in and comes down when you exhale.
4. Alternate sides. Keep all movement smooth and fluid. Your neck remains long and relaxed.

Establish a smooth easy breathing pattern BEFORE you begin to move. The breath always rules and the movement follows the rhythm of the breathing, not the other way around.

Be well. Breathe beautifully.

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