Friday, September 11, 2009

Protect Yourself From Colds & Flu: Lesson One

In spite of the fact that you are incredibly careful you may still catch a cold or flu. However, let’s stack the odds in your favor and aim for AFAP (As Few As Possible).

Invading bacteria and viruses love it when you TOUCH stuff. Protect yourself by learning a smarter way to touch disease-transfer points. Perhaps thousands (or at least hundreds) of fingers have touched those shared “hot spots” since they were last cleaned and even then “cleaned” probably means annoying the bugs rather than terminating them.

  1. Push an ELEVATOR BUTTON with a knuckle instead of a fingertip.
  2. Slide the outside edge of your hand along a STAIR RAILING rather than grasping the rail with your whole hand.
  3. Use your palm rather than your fingers to engage a DOOR HANDLE or TOWEL DISPENSER.
  4. MARKET BASKETS are like giant Petri dishes on wheels!! Hold the outer part, not the center, of the handle.
  5. FLUSH with the outer wrist bone or a knuckle.
  6. If you SHARE EQUIPMENT at work, in the gym, or at school carry along a bleach-wipe and (without fanfare) wipe down the common transfer spots at the beginning of your shift.

No need to play Howard Hughes here, a white-gloved prisoner in your own home! You develop some immunity through exposure. But for now let’s try for AFAP.

Be well. Breathe beautifully.

1 comment:

smilinggreenmom said...

These tips are great- it sounds just like me to worry so much about these everyday petri dishes LOL! I carry hand sanitizer with me of course, but have heard that the free wipes they give out at the grocery store don't kill the you know whether they do or not? Maybe I should just carry my own stash of wipes to be sure. Our family takes precautions for sure with germs since our kids our both in school now and I have a home daycare. We also take the Vidazorb chewable probiotics daily to help boost our immune systems. I am really praying for a flu-free winter. Thanks for the suggestions.