Thursday, October 8, 2009

Breathing and Creativity

Every child is born an artist. You are an artist. When children are too young and inexperienced to question, they get the message that creativity is some mysterious gift, granted only to a chosen few and certainly not to them! Certainly not to you.

So you probably were ashamed and put away your crayons and never tried again. I will throw up if you say one word about “drawing a straight line.”

Creativity is simply the expression, the language of your unconscious mind, your best and timeless self. Your creative efforts provide insight into your spirit and give you the chance to share that insight. Critical praise and profit are completely separate issues! Praise and profit (or lack of it) should never be permitted to obstruct your imagination and creativity.

When you are next tempted or inspired to sing or dance or paint or write or draw or blow glass or weave blankets or decorate cakes, BREATHE YOUR WAY THROUGH IT. CONSTANTLY AND EVENLY AND DEEPLY AND STEADILY AND QUIETLY – ALL THE WAY THROUGH IT. You have nothing to lose and lots to gain.

Your PROJECT is not nearly as important as your PROCESS. That’s the fun. That’s the joy. Someone old and wise said, “The light is within you. Let the light shine.”

Be well. Breathe beautifully.

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