Thursday, December 10, 2009

Protect Yourself From Colds And Flu: Lesson Four

OK. The first three were easy. Four is more difficult. Unfortunately, it is also the most important. Fortunately, it is the last colds-and-flu lesson for now. Washing your hands often and correctly, touching shared stuff cautiously, using magic goo each time you exit a public place – all smart moves.

However, unless you scrub your hands (that includes cuticles and under your nails and under rings with a brush) every single time you touch a thing or a person, then you still won’t be as safe as you deserve to be. Remember, you may still pick up a cold or the flu from an airborne bug but we are aiming for AFAP – As Few As Possible!

LESSON FOUR (drum roll, please):

Unless you are at your very own clean sink (it is clean, right?) then DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT TOUCHING YOUR FACE FROM LATE OCTOBER UNTIL EARLY MARCH! No rubbing eyes, no itching ears, no gnawing nails, and the NOSE. Oy. The nose!

Your nose, in particular is off limits until spring. See? I said it was difficult. You will, as an added bonus, appear more confident, calm, and even more attractive when you give up the nervous fiddling-with-face syndrome. You can do it.

Be well. Breathe beautifully.

Protect Yourself From Colds & Flu: Lesson One
Protect Yourself From Colds & Flu: Lesson Two
Protect Yourself From Colds & Flu: Lesson Three

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