Friday, July 16, 2010

The Two O’clock Crash

Two o’clock in the afternoon, Monday through Friday, is a dreadful time of day for most of us. Your body is busy digesting lunch and couldn’t give a flying fig about your report deadline. If you had any caffeine or sugar at lunch you are probably crashing about now from that very brief high. And yet you are still facing hours of appearing brilliant and perky. That’s what you get paid for.

Eat a lighter lunch. You are not a lumberjack (apologies if you are). Drink plenty of water. Coffee and sodas definitely do not count. Movement is king. Move your legs. Take a quick walk down the hall or on the stairs.

Move your diaphragm (no, I did not say remove your diaphragm). Without straining, gently blow out all your air, relax your abdomen and breathe in deeply and slowly. Stretch arms and legs. Remember your leg/bottom muscles and your diaphragm act as secondary hearts to deliver oxygen and keep your blood moving.

Be well. Breathe beautifully.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

How did you know! Your brilliant illustration is exactly how I feel right now. It's so hard not to eat everything on my plate when the food is so good!

Still, it's challenging to breathe deeply when my stomach is full. Oomph!