Saturday, July 16, 2011

Review #6

Do your best to spend a little quiet time each day. Focus on the sound of your own natural breathing or pick a single point for visual focus. Unlike the hunter/gatherer/farmer of several generations ago we rarely spend a quiet moment. Even as they sleep, city dwellers are washed over by the constant sound of traffic, sirens, planes, the hum of their own appliances, garbage collection, newspaper delivery, etc. Your deep inner voice will not shout. You must listen carefully to hear.

Proper posture is essential for efficient breathing. The bones should be lightly balanced one on top of the other so that muscles can remain relaxed. A rule of thumb when sitting or standing is to keep your head over your tailbone.

Get to a respiratory specialist for up-to-date testing and diagnosis if you have a chronic cough or other breathing problems. Unfortunately, lungs aren’t able to rebuild themselves (yet) so until that day comes we need to diligently protect what we’ve got.

Controlling air pollution, in homes and workplaces, is time consuming, complicated and terribly costly. The only thing more expensive is not controlling air pollution. Industry will only improve when faced with the overwhelming tide of public pressure. Vote and make your voice heard.

Be well. Breathe beautifully.

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