Saturday, June 26, 2010

Healing Others

There is an ancient and respected belief that GOOD INTENTIONS THEMSELVES HAVE GREAT POWER. The clear and focused INTENT to contribute to the healing of another person may gather energy unto itself and launch your intent across a great distance. The breath seems an appropriate vehicle to intensify and deliver such intentions.

Gathering and Giving for Others
  1. Breathe deeply and quietly until you feel centered and calm.
  2. Imagine you are inhaling a measure of universal energy with each incoming breath.
  3. When you feel serene and energized, select an image, a message or a feeling that you believe is the most appropriate for the circumstances. Remember, it is your INTENT that matters more than the content of your thought.
  4. Let your heartfelt intentions and thoughts travel with each exhalation to the person or situation you have chosen. It is important, of course, to keep your own energy level up so you continue to have something to give.

Nothing is lost by contributing your strength and courage to someone in crisis. Your INTENT is a gift of hope, given with an open heart and with no strings or expectations attached. Send positive energy on its way and have faith that it was the right thing to do. Did your friend or the stranger improve? Survive? Hopefully. But, if not, you have not failed. TO TRY AND TO CARE IS TO SUCCEED. As old Erasmus said, “Give light and the darkness will disappear by itself.”

Be well. Breathe beautifully.

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