Thursday, July 1, 2010

Healing Yourself

Will mindful breathing exercises make you well? Probably the better question is, “Will mindful breathing exercises prevent you from becoming ill”? Estimating the number of times you have dodged illness through your own efforts can only be measured statistically, but trust your instincts and your common sense as you puzzle over the question.

Can you use your mindful breathing to heal yourself? You honor your mind, body and spirit by making the effort. Since breathing is directly related to every aspect of your being, then breathing becomes a practical way to set up a dialog with mind, body and spirit. The final outcome of a problem may not be yours to decide, but conscious breathing will help to focus your clearest brightest light on the challenge. Be not like the child who kept digging up a seed he had planted to see if it was growing yet.

Gathering and Giving to Yourself
  1. Breathe slowly, quietly and deeply. With each inhalation imagine that you can draw energy from a universal source into your hands.
  2. When your hands begin to feel warm, lay them on the area of your body that seems weak.
  3. With each inhalation continue to bring light and energy, a powerful force, into your hands.
  4. With each exhalation, energy flows easily from you hands into your body.

Be well. Breathe beautifully.

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