Thursday, September 30, 2010


Speaking gobbles up a surprising amount of energy so when you have spent hours on the phone, don’t be surprised if you feel exhausted. Talking is one of the most demanding and complicated processes that you do even though you aren’t swinging your arms around like a lumberjack. Why do you think the nurse won’t let you talk when she (or he) is taking your blood pressure?

Northwind is an exercise designed to drop your breathing down into your lower lungs, to stretch your tongue and open your jaws, sinuses and throat. Not much is visible from the outside because you will continue to breathe through your nose with your mouth closed.

  1. Sit up straight, mouth closed and teeth slightly apart.
  2. Slowly slide the tip of your tongue rearward along the bony ridge that runs backward along the center roof of your mouth. Stop your tongue when it gets to your soft palate and keep it there.
  3. Holding this position, breathe slowly and evenly through your nose. Continue for as long as the exercise feels comfortable. Notice how quickly your breathing slows and deepens.

This position curls your tongue backwards in such a way that, if you could see into your mouth, you would be looking at the underside of your tongue.

Be well. Breathe beautifully.

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