Friday, October 8, 2010

Pluck Not

Not even once! Remember that the stiff tiny nose hairs that ring the inside of each nostril provide the initial barrier between the environment and your vulnerable deep lung tissue.

Nose hairs provide an important protective “screen door.” Since our species is oxygen-dependent, there is no choice but to inhale air that is a microscopic mess of pollens, bits of tires, bacteria, molds, soot, dust, pollens, and animal dander.

Breaking the skin in your nose is a very bad idea. Your nose serves as a filter and filters tend to get dirty. Pulling a hair breaks the skin and leaves you vulnerable to infection. Your nose is too close to the brain to take the risk.

After a certain age all the good hairs fly away and the wicked-witch hairs spring up like weeds! It is tempting to pluck. Don’t. Buy a pair of little round-tip scissors and prune if you must.

Be well. Breathe beautifully.

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